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I have two fitness related products that I want to tell you about. These are items that I have discovered recently, and now that I have been using them for a while (about 2 months), I couldn’t do without them. They are, in fact, so good that I don’t understand how I lived without them before.

But first, a disclaimer: I am not a product pusher. In fact, my penny-saving-self isn’t really down with consumerism at all, man. I am that person who is always saying, “you can make that at home for so much cheaper,” and I’m always checking out dumpsters for deals.

Honestly, the worst part about getting into shape these last few months has been that none of my old clothes fit me, which means that I will have to replace them. It’s enough to send me into a money-spending induced, panic stricken, melt-down! 

I know, I know – First world problems.

The first fitness related product that makes me infinitely happy are my new headphones. If you are like me, you are incredibly picky about headphones and will pay the extra money if they check all the exercise-related boxes. The number one priority for me in earbuds is the fit, but no matter what headphones I have tried, and no matter how awesome they are in the beginning, they always end up slipping out of my sweaty ears on long runs (which, truthfully, are all of my runs). Also, because of the aforementioned sweat, I usually TEAR through headphones at an incredible rate.


Introducing the Monster, Livestrong Waterproof Headphones. I have had these for about 2 months now, and am happy to report that they are actually sweat proof! I have even washed them in my kitchen sink to get rid of all my sweat, and I have had zero problems. A few days ago I went for a run in the pouring rain, and they are still functioning just fine. I can’t even put into words how much this pleases me. 

The sound is awesome, the controls are awesome, and the fact that they don’t slip out of my ears (due to the ‘shark-fin’ technology) is … you guessed it … supremely awesome!

If you are looking for new headphones, I highly suggest these ones. Don’t let the Monster name-brand fool you – for once they have done something right, and they haven’t charged you an arm and a leg for it.   

The second product is what I affectionately call my ‘go-juice’. Vega’s ‘Preworkout Energizer’ will take you to new levels in your workout routine. It gives you a natural boost, without that chemical induced shaky crack-head feeling, and the ‘comedown’ is as smooth as silk. Plus it’s A-OK for vegan athletes. HOORAY.


I wake up every morning at 4:30 am. I do this so that I have more time after work to dedicate to my more worldly of pursuits (such as knitting cat scarves, and yelling at the neighbour kids to get off my lawn).  Also, I find I am more motivated in the mornings and, admittedly, it does makes me feel better than everyone else.

According to the Vega website, the pre-workout energizer:

  • “Increases endurance, aerobic and anaerobic capacity
  • Enhances mental focus and motor performance
  • Reduces stress and enhances immune system function
  • Replenishes electrolytes lost during exercise
  • Reduces inflammation, joint and muscle pain
  • Improves body composition and reduces body fat
  • Supports healthy weight management”

I am really sensitive to caffeine and I haven’t had trouble sleeping, or felt nauseous, since using this product. It mixes up well too, which can come in handy when you’re attempting to stir it as quietly as possible in the dark so that you don’t wake up your partner or the cats.

ImageTake it 20 minutes before you start working out, in 1 cup of cold water and you are set my friend. My advice: Go for the Acai berry flavour, the lemon lime tastes like butt-holes.